Positive ageing is about living a full, healthy, active and positive life as you get older. This may include staying independent, maintaining your health, planning for housing and most importantly, staying connected to your community.
In the City of Canada Bay more than 19 per cent of the population is over 60 years old, and as with the rest of Australia, this number is set to grow.
Here you will find information about local services, community groups and events for seniors in the area. You will also find relevant directories and links to resources designed for older people.
Senior residents are invited to discover a range of fun, affordable activities and events as part of this year’s Seniors Festival from 3–20 March! There’s something for everyone from exercise and art classes to exhibitions, bingo and a range of workshops and walking tours. Plus, our swimming and recreation centres have special offers on during this time.
To find out more and register for events, read the program below or download it and print at home.
NSW Seniors Festival also have a range of events on offer and are selling tickets for the annual Premier's Gala Concerts on 12 and 13 March 2025, Comedy shows and an Expo which runs at the ICC Sydney.
Visit our What's On page to check what other regular events are happening for our residents in the City of Canada Bay. For other enquiries contact Mary on 9121 0039 or email mary.ciantar@canadabay.nsw.gov.au.
Seniors Directory 2024
Read our Seniors Directory 2024 for information about Council services, local clubs, community centres and local recreational activities.
You'll also find details of service providers to assist you at home, with legal and advocacy needs, computer and financial support, information about dementia, transport and volunteering opportunities.
Download a copy of the Directory or read it below.
Quick links to key services and programs:
The BayRider operates on Wednesdays and Thursdays. It is a bus shuttle service for those experiencing transport difficulties.
The BayRider is able to collect passengers from their home and take them to places such as:
Please check with us about other possible locations that we may be able to assist with.
Bookings are essential and must be made on the Tuesday of the week of travel between 9am and 12pm. A gold coin donation is requested for each trip.
The BayRider is an innovative project run jointly by the Drummoyne Community Centre and the City of Canada Bay. To make a booking, or for more information please contact the Drummoyne Community Centre on 9719 8102.
The City of Canada Bay provides full-day bus outings to exciting locations around the Sydney metropolitan area and beyond. Active Adults bus trips are designed for people who:
Trips operate on Mondays and Thursdays. Get in touch to know more about the dates and destinations.
Participants in programs are subject to eligibility criteria and the availability of places on scheduled trips.
The first step to join this service is to complete the "Application form" and "Trip Preference form" and send them to us.
The forms are available for download below; please send them both.
Active Adults Application Form
Active Adults Program 1 - 2025 (with all destinations)
Active Adults Trip Preference Form - February to June 2025 Program 1
* The Active Adults Program 2 (July to December 2024) has been mailed to the participants who are already part of the program. If you haven't received it, please get in touch with us.
For more information, please contact us on via phone or email:
If you prefer, you can send an email to ccbcbustrips@canadabay.nsw.gov.au.
The City of Canada Bay runs Bay Connection bus outings for seniors who want to get out and about exploring the Sydney metropolitan area. Bay Connection bus trips are designed for people who:
The trips operate on Tuesdays and Fridays. Get in touch to know more about the dates and destinations.
Participants must meet eligibility criteria. Light support is provided to all participants during the outings but we don't have the capacity to provide 1:1 support for the participants. Please note, the service is not available to nursing home residents.
The first step to join this service is to complete and send us your application form.
Application form available for download below:
For more information, please contact us on via phone or email:
If you prefer, you can send an email to ccbcbustrips@canadabay.nsw.gov.au.
Check out the destinations of the Bay Connection from April to July (in alphabetical order)
Concord Senior Citizens Centre caters for a wide range of people. The centre has a warm and friendly environment and runs a regular program of activities. The Concord Senior Citizens Club is the principal tenant within the Concord Senior Citizens Centre and their administration office for their club is based at the centre. The City of Canada Bay Museum is located at the base of the building providing local historical information. The centre is accessible for those with disabilities and provides amenities for their use. Disabled parking is also available.
Corner of Bent and Wellbank Streets, Concord NSW
Hire of the centre
Concord Senior Citizens Centre is also available to hire for events or regular groups. For more information on function rooms, capacities, hire application procedures and forms refer to Concord Senior Citizens Centre facility page.
For more information or to make a booking at the centre contact Council on 9911 6555 or email council@canadabay.nsw.gov.au.
Concord Senior Citizens Club
Concord Senior Citizens Club runs from the Concord Senior Citizens Centre. The club offers a number of activities including:
You can review the current activities via the pdf and contact the Concord Senior Citizens Club for more information and to make bookings on 0401887192 or email barryjford@yahoo.com.au. An activity sheet with days and times are also available in the holder on the inside of the front door.
Address: 422 Lyons Road, Five Dock NSW
Phone: 0414 512 361
The club hosts Thursday luncheons and regular monthly outings.
For all enquiries regarding the Drummoyne Senior Citizens Club, please call 0414 512 361.
Drummoyne Community Centre is a non-profit, non-government organisation that serves the City of Canada Bay. It acts as a focal point for the whole community to enhance their quality of life. It is an evolving, dynamic organisation that aims to nurture, develop, extend and respond to local needs and issues in a beneficial and enabling way.
Programs are conducted at the Cometrowe Street facility in Drummoyne and at various other sites within the City of Canada Bay. Many programs are open to all members of the community, however, some focus on people with particular needs e.g. children, parents or older residents.
Tea and Chat program
Topic: SCAMs presented by Services Australia and the ACCC
When: 30 May 2024
Where: 10 Cometrowe Street, Drummoyne (off Lyons Road)
Time: 11am to 12.30pm
Bookings essential using the phone and email contact details below.
Contact details:
Phone: 9719 8102
Fax: 9819 6116
Email: info@dcc.org.au
Website: Drummoyne Community Centre
Below are some accessible transport services available to the City of Canada Bay and Inner West community:
Access Sydney: is a community-based organisation dedicated to providing transport options for people who are transport disadvantaged.
BayRider: a City of Canada Bay & Drummoyne Community Centre bus shuttle service for those experiencing transport difficulties. Call 9911 6555 for more information.
Sir Roden and Lady Cutler Foundation: established to help people of all ages, physically handicapped, disadvantaged and struggling financially to be mobile and to assist with transport to and from the hospital and other medical appointments. Also, provision of mobility scooters and other transport related products/subsidies.
Volunteers At St Ambrose (VASA) maintain contact with the elderly in our community by organising monthly morning tea gatherings, assisting with shopping on a fortnightly basis using the Council's community bus, and providing transport where needed for local appointments. Call 97363686 or 87651295 for more information.
Meals on Wheels is a meal delivery service for seniors and vulnerable people, providing a range of healthy and nutritious frozen and fresh meals delivered to your door. 'More than just a meal': The friendly Meals on Wheels volunteers will also check in with you and chat with you when they deliver your meals.
For further information about Inner West Meals on Wheels, call 9747 1135 between 9am–4pm on weekdays or email mow@cabl.org.au.
Let’s Talk Support and Mediation service run by Relationships Australia assists older people and their families resolve or prevent interpersonal differences and disagreements.
The service is designed for individuals and their families to address age-related issues and to support them to have mediated conversations about important things affecting them.
Visit their website for more information or call them on 1300 364 277.
National Seniors Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that gives older Australians – working and retired – a strong national voice.
Visit their website for more information or call them on 1300 76 50 50.
Older Australians are often the target of online, door-to-door and home maintenance scams. There are new scams all the time so learn how to protect yourself from scams by visiting Scamwatch. The ACCC suggests three simple steps to protect yourself:
The eSafety Commissioner website has online safety information in a variety of languages and a specific page for seniors.
Another useful website is about ID and passwords from the NSW government. Please contact ID Support on 1800 001 040 Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.
Other helpful resources include:
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
Scam watch is run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). It provides information to consumers and small businesses about how to recognise, avoid and report scams. Provides information, tools, and resources.
Website: scamwatch.gov.au/about-scamwatch
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Dispute resolution for consumers and financial services providers.
Phone: 1800 931 678
Website: afca.org.au
Australian Tax Office – Scam Alerts
Phone: 1800 008 540
Website: Scam alerts | Australian Taxation Office (ato.gov.au)
Fair Trading
Phone: 13 32 20
Web: fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/buying-products-and-services/scams
Online Safety
eSafety information for seniors.
Website: esafety.gov.au/seniors
Police Assistance Line (PAL) – nonemergency
For non-urgent police assistance, reporting minor crime and all general enquiries.
Phone: 131 444
Services Australia – Scams and Identity Theft
Phone: 1800 941 126 (Helpdesk available Monday to Friday, 8am–5pm)
Website: servicesaustralia.gov.au/scams-and-identity-theft
The Little Black Book of Scams
A print and digital publication from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
Phone: 1300 302 502
Website: accc.gov.au/publications/the-little-black-book-of-scams
Keeping Healthy and Safe as We Age
A Flip Chart with key phone numbers was developed by the Inner West Region Working Party for the prevention of abuse. A print version is available by contacting Mary Ciantar, Community Development Officer at Council on Phone: 9911 0039.
Elder Abuse
Council is part of the Inner West Region collaborative where organisations have joined forces to develop resources, inform and promote information about the abuse of older people and where to seek advice.
If you want more information about what elder abuse is you can look at the resources on the NSW Ageing and Disability Commission website:
Compass provide information and resources to improve understanding, prevention and responses to elder abuse. If you feel that you or someone you know is experiencing elder abuse, the Compass website can assist in identifying what to do and where to go for support. Click here for more information.
Each year June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. This day, and every day, we remind ourselves that older people are valued members of our community.
The NSW Ageing and Disability Commission (ADC) have developed a short video. Watch the video here:
For support you can call the Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline - 1800 628 221
To discuss legal matters or to seek help you can also contact the Seniors Rights Service or call 1800 424 079.
Dementia impacts close to half a million Australians and almost 1.6 million Australians are involved in their care. The number of people living with dementia is set to double in the next 25 years.
Only a medical professional can diagnose dementia. Dementia is a general term to describe problems with progressive changes in memory, thinking and behaviour. It remains the number one cause of disability in Australians aged over 65 years and the second biggest cause of death overall. People living with dementia can live active and fulfilling lives many years after diagnosis but the quality of life can be impacted by the physical effects of the disease and the way society responds.
Understanding dementia and its causes, consequences and care options can help promote appropriate support to enhance quality of life.
Dementia Australia has on line educational resources for people living with dementia, family friends and carers .
In 2023 Dementia Australia launched a series of videos about Dementia including personal experiences, diagnosis and support. To view the campaign review this link on the Dementia Australia Website .
Where to get help:
Baptist Care Dementia Advisor
Helps you access professional services and support with the challenges and changes that a dementia diagnosis might bring.
Phone: 1300 275 227
Email: ask@baptistcare.org.au
National Dementia Helpline
A free telephone service that operates 24 hours a day, every day. They provide information, advice and guide you to support and further help.
Phone: 1800 100 500
Social groups
Uniting Dementia Café (Decafé)
An informal get together for people with dementia and their carers in a café on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 10:30am-12pm.
Phone: 1800 486 484
Email: ask@uniting.org
The Living Well with Dementia program
Inner West Neighbour Aid runs this program on the first and third Thursday of the month at the 5 Senses Garden in Concord. The program brings together people living with dementia and their carers.
Phone: 9799 5099
Email: emel@iwna.com.au
Sydney Local Health District
To make a referral to an Aged Care Medical Specialist. Call 8am–8pm, Monday through Sunday.
Phone: 1300 722 276
Dementia Support Carers Group
Runs on the morning of the last Wednesday of each month.
Phone: 9562 5495
Email: SLHD-DementiaSupport@health.nsw.gov.au
Male dementia carers group (Men’s Group)
First Friday of the month in Concord.
Phone: 9767 5953
Email: anne.tunks@health.nsw.gov.au
If you are a carer you can obtain information via the Carer Gateway. Find out what support you are eligible for as a Carer.
Ph: 1800 422 737
Aged Care and Disability Gateway points
My Aged Care
A government portal to access care to assist people over 65 to find services to live at home and in the community independently. To access services an assessment is required – call the number below to enquire. The types of services are listed below and more information about services are listed on the website:
Domestic help such as cleaning
Allied health such as nursing, podiatry, physiotherapy and more
Garden care and home maintenance and modifications
Meals and food preparation
Equipment aids
Personal care
Social support
Respite services and more
Phone: 1800 200 422
Website: myagedcare.gov.au/find-a-provider
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The NDIS provides funding to eligible people with disability under 65 years of age to gain more time with family and friends, greater independence, access to new skills, jobs, or volunteering in their community, and an improved quality of life by connecting them with services, groups, clubs, allied health, and provision of information.
Phone: 1800 800 110
Website: ndis.gov.au
Sydney Local Health District Aged Health and Rehabilitation Services
Enquire about Aged Health Services, such as acute care, Hospital in the Home, community nursing services, medical clinics and outpatient therapy services.
Phone:1300 722 276 (8am–8pm)
Email: SLHD-ACTCallCentre@health.nsw.gov.au
Website: health.nsw.gov.au
Ageing and Disability Commission
The NSW Ageing and Disability Commission has been established to better protect older people and adults with disability from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Phone: 1800 628 221
Website: ageingdisabilitycommission.nsw.gov.au
Care Finder Services
Support for vulnerable older people to access Australia’s aged care system when they don’t have anyone to help them navigate the system. Some services specialise in people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Phone: 1800 346 337
Website: bit.ly/carefinderinfo
Carer Gateway
Australian Government program providing free services and support for carers.
Phone: 1800 422 737
Community Circles
This organisation helps provide a support network for vulnerable people in the community. Circles bring together family, friends and volunteers in an organised way to help a person live a better, more connected life. They can be for anyone who needs a bit of extra help and connection including carers, older people, young people, people living with disability or mental health challenges, and even whole families. They are created with the support of a Facilitator and the Community Circles App, which records what’s important to the person, what role everyone plays, what’s coming up and how things are going. Roles played by Circle Members vary and can be anything from helping with the shopping, cooking a meal, dropping in for a friendly chat, or even taking the person out for some fun!
Website: communitycirclesaustralia.com.au
Telecross – Australian Red Cross
Volunteers make a morning phone call to elderly people living alone in their own home.
Phone: 1800 733 276
Website: redcross.org.au/services/telecross
Veterans Home Care
Low-level home care services for eligible veterans, war widows and widowers.
Phone: 1300 550 450
Website: dva.gov.au
NSW Health
Provides information and links to public health services and access to health professionals such as community nurses, dentists, dieticians, doctors, occupational therapists, optometrists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, podiatrists, and psychologists.
Phone: 9391 9000
Website: health.nsw.gov.au
Staying active and on your feet
Information to help keep you active, healthy and on your feet, plus how to make your home environment safe, what to do if you have a fall, and lifestyle checklists to help you reduce your risk.
Website: activeandhealthy.nsw.gov.au/assets/pdf/stayactive_Website_final.pdf
Stepping On program
Stepping On is a free 7-week fall prevention program for adults aged 65 years and over and Aboriginal adults aged 45 years and over.
Phone: 9515 9055
Email: SLHD-Heal@health.nsw.gov.au
Register: halo.activeandhealthy.nsw.gov.au/stepping-on
Website: activeandhealthy.nsw.gov.au/home/stepping-on