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Community funding


Community Grants Program

Council has an annual grants program that provides financial support for not-for-profit organisations, groups and in some instances schools to undertake events, community and environmental projects across three categories:   

Our funding programs cover a wide range of events, activities, services and projects that benefit our community and meet aspects of our Community Strategic Plan. To support your application further, you may also like to refer to Council's Disability and Inclusion Action Plan 2021-2025 and The City of Canada Bay's Social Issues Paper

Before applying for funding, you must read the City of Canada Bay Community Grants Guidelines 2025.

Applications for the Community Grants Program close at 5pm on Monday, 31 March 2025.

For more information click here.

Community Project Grants 

The Community Project Grants provide support for local not-for-profit organisations and projects that benefit City of Canada Bay residents. The grant priority outcomes are:

Social Connections:

  • Increase participation in community activities 
  • Improve connections and social networks 
  • Increase the social and physical well-being of residents 

Community Development: 

  • Address issues that cause disadvantage and inequalities 
  • Strengthen networks and partnerships between community organisations and groups 
  • Improve access to community services and resources  

Two different grant categories will be available in the 2025-2026 financial year:

  • Social Connection Grants — funding up to $2,000. 
  • Community Development Project Grants — funding up to $7,500 for community development projects and programs. 

Apply for a Community Project Grant now.

Event Grants

The purpose of the Event Grants program is to provide support for community-focused events and festivals that energise public spaces, foster a sense of connection between people and their surroundings, and celebrate the rich diversity of the community and culture within the City of Canada Bay.

By enabling these events, the program seeks to create vibrant, inclusive, and engaging experiences that bring people together, enhance the use of public areas, and showcase the unique character of the area.

Three different grant categories will be available in the 2025-2026 financial year:

  • Small event - funding up to $2,500
  • Medium event - funding up to $7,500
  • Large event - funding up to $15,000 (matched contribution)

Apply for an Event Grant now.

Environmental Grants

Council is pleased to announce the availability of Environmental Grants, designed to foster sustainability initiatives within our local community. This grant is dedicated to supporting projects that advocate for sustainability, including behaviour change, community involvement, and the enhancement of skills necessary for contributing to environmental outcomes. The focus of this grants program extends beyond mere infrastructure developments to encompass a broader range of sustainability efforts.

These grants are a key component of our commitment to achieving the strategic sustainability goals set forth in YOUR Future 2030 and relevant plans and strategies, ensuring alignment with our vision for a sustainable and resilient community.

The program aims to:

  • Encourage and support environmental and sustainability outcomes in City of Canada Bay
  • To foster community engagement in projects that protect or enhance the environment
  • To encourage projects that develop knowledge, skills and active involvement about and for the environment
  • To deliver environmental outcomes that align with Council's YOUR Future 2030, Environment Strategy and Resource Recovery & Waste Strategy

A total of $30,000 in grant funding is available in two different categories:

  • Support Grant — funding up to $1,000 to expand on existing projects
  • Development Grant — funding up to $3,000 for the implementation of new projects.

Apply for an Environmental Grant now.

Previous Grant Recipients


2024 Community Project Grant Recipients 

Applicant Organisation

Project Title

Funding Amount

1st Yaralla Sea Group

Project light up


Amazon Women’s Tennis

Increase Participation and Visibility of LGBTQIA+ Women in Tennis


Aurora Australis Chorus

Costume and Music


Australian Nursing Home Foundation

Turn a New Page in Your Golden Years


Australian Skateboarding Federation

Shred Five Dock!


Baptist Care NSW & ACT 

BaptistCare Kitty Doyle Housing Complex – Seniors Concert (Pilot Project)


City of Canada Bay Heritage Society

Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)


Concord Senior Citizen Club Inc

Knitting and Art


Drummoyne District Junior Rugby Union Club Inc

Train the Trainers


Drummoyne Municipal Art Society

Assisting people with disabilities and veterans


Ebenezer Mission Ltd

Community Inclusive Orchestra


Ebenezer Mission Ltd

International Day of People with Disability


Giant Steps Australia

Community Access Program for Autistic Individuals


Inner West Neighbour Aid

5 Senses Garden Revamp


Let’s Get Going



National Italian Australian Women's Association Incorporated (NIAWA)

NIAWA New Website and Newsletter


Port Jackson Unit – Marine Rescue NSW

Emergency Medical Equipment


Rhodes Community Garden Incorporated

Rhodes Community Garden’s further development


St Patrick’s Mortlake

St Pat’s Youth String Group


Sydney East Community College

Mentor Program Networking Night - Connecting Community


Sydney Voices Incorporated

Equipment for Concert


The Australian Hokien Huay Kuan Arts Group

Enhance wellbeing of seniors via group dancing and singing and performances in community-based festivals

$0 (venue fee waiver in lieu of funding)

The Concordians Inc

EM Lane Concordians Museum


The Shepherd Centre – For Deaf Children

Acoustic Skills: A lifechanging music therapy program for children with hearing loss and their families in Canada Bay


Touched by Olivia Foundation Limited

Storytime at Livvi's Place, Five Dock


Walking Football NSW

Introduction and the Development of Walking Football (Soccer) for Seniors, People with Disabilities, and socially withdrawn or isolated people


Your Music Inc

Sensory Concerts


ClubGrants 2025

The City of Canada Bay 2025 category 1 ClubGRANTS is now open and close Saturday, 31 May 2025. Read more below.

ClubGRANTS Program

ClubGRANTS is an initiative of the NSW Government and ClubsNSW to provide funding for community development projects and services in local areas. There are three categories of ClubGRANTS. However, Council is involved with Category 1 funding only in its role as the Local Committee convenor.

Category 1 funding is for projects and services that contribute to the welfare and broader social fabric of the local community and are aimed at improving the living standards of low income and disadvantaged people. Funding is provided for community welfare and social services, community development, community health services and employment assistance activities. Projects must also address local funding priorities.

The City of Canada Bay priorities are:

  • Increasing inclusive opportunities for people with disabilities, older people, young people and people from culturally diverse backgrounds.
  • Addressing social inequities for young people, children and their parents (particularly women) to encourage participation and support health, wellbeing and community development.
  • To support and promote active and healthy living including physical and mental wellbeing through access to health, fitness, cultural programs and community development activities.
  • Increasing a sense of belonging and harmony in the community by providing intergenerational opportunities and knowledge sharing.
  • Programs of interest or support for our First Nations, multicultural and LBGTQIA communities.
  • Low cost and accessible.
  • Promoting volunteering and building connections.
  • Connecting residents in higher density and growing communities.

To apply, visit Canada Bay ClubGRANTS 2025.

Visit the ClubGrants website for more information.

Category 2 provides funding for general community development such as sporting and recreational groups, veterans’ welfare and similar services. Applications are generally accepted all year round.

Contact individual clubs for further information. Participating clubs:

Category 3 is available for the upgrade or construction of large-scale community infrastructure projects such as sporting facilities and community halls, cultural venues and emergency relief facilities.

Funding is managed by the Office of Responsible Gambling.

Find a grant

Local residents, businesses and community groups looking for grants and funding now have access to the City of Canada Bay's Grant Guru service, a custom search tool which hand-picks grants and funding opportunities specifically for residents, businesses and community groups in the City of Canada Bay. To find a grant, go to

Other funding provided by Council

Fee waivers for sports ground and community facilities — on occasion Council does support community events with full or partial fee waivers. This can be applied for as part of the sponsorship program for events.

Local Heritage Assistance Fund — encourages conservation work with dollar for dollar grants available up to $3,000 to owners of heritage items and up to $2,000 to owners of contributory buildings in conservation areas.

Applications can be received anytime and are only accepted for work that has been completed and paid for. Applications will be assessed for approval every three months by the Heritage Advisor.

Small Grants Program for Individuals and Teams — supports individuals and teams participating in amateur local, regional, interstate and overseas events from the following categories:

  • Sports competitor
  • Cultural/arts achievement
  • Academic/literary achievement.

Rusty Priest Scholarship Program — Council established the Rusty Priest Kokoda Scholarship to develop leadership skills in high school students. For more information please contact Council's Operations Manager, Community Services on 9911 6248.

Grant writing resources and help

Steps to writing a grant application

If you're thinking about applying for a Council grant, read the below before you get started on your application. 

1. Prepare

  • Read the grant guidelines to ensure your project and organisation is eligible.

  • Register your organisation to access SmartyGrants (if not already registered). A helpful guide for applicants is available through SmartyGrants.

  • Start on your project application early in the application period.

  • Have a clear idea of your project. This includes what activities you will be running, when and where, who will be organising the activities and why you are running these activities.

  • Read the grant assessment selection criteria thoroughly. Consider how your project will address the criteria and how you will support this with some form of evidence.

  • Understand the implications if you are successful – are you ready to deliver the project? Can you meet the timeframes and the monitoring or acquittal requirements?

  • If your grant application requires Public Liability Insurance (PLI), you can apply for once-off insurance through Local Community Insurance Services. A successful grant applicant should hold insurance that provides coverage for the entire event.

  • Contact Council to ask for clarity on the grant program if you need it.

2. Write

  • Collect all supporting documentation before you start writing, for example quotes, budgets, insurance documents, letters of support.

  • Clearly and succinctly describe the project and the problem you are trying to address and the intended outcomes.

  • Explain how the project aligns with the objectives of the grant.

  • Ensure you answer the questions. Re-read the questions and make sure you fully understand what is being asked.

  • Use data, statistics and evidence of past experience in delivering projects to support your application.

  • Write in clear English, avoid acronyms and jargon, and be specific about your project, identified needs and desired outcomes. Do not use generalisations.

  • Ensure spelling and grammar are correct, and the application is within the word count.

  • Ensure budget figures add up, check that all budget items are eligible under the grant criteria.

  • Identify the community groups that will benefit from your project.

3. Check

  • Show your application to someone who has never seen the project or heard you talk about it. After reading it – ask them to explain it to you. Did they understand your project?

  • Refine your application and repeat this step until the other person can clearly and easily describe the project back to you.

4. Submit

  • Submit before or on time as late applications are not accepted.

  • Submit all supporting documentation and evidence.

  • Keep a copy of your application and notification that your application has been received and any identification code for future reference.


Not-for-Profit requirements for Grants

A not-for-profit organisation is one that does not operate for profit, personal gain, or the benefit of particular people, including its members, the people who run the organisation, or their friends or relatives.


Incorporation requirements for Grants

An incorporated organisation has a legal structure which is set up under law. Generally, incorporated organisations have a minimum number of members and are managed by a committee that meets at least annually. They are a legal entity that has set rules for operation listed in a constitution.

NSW Fair Trading registers incorporated organisations in NSW. You can search the NSW Incorporated Organisation Register on the NSW Fair Trading Website.

Or an organisation can be registered as a charity with The Australian Charities and Non-for-Profits Commission (ACNC). You can search for a charity organisation through the ACNC website. 

Auspicing is where an incorporated organisation assists a smaller organisation or individual who is not eligible for funding on their own to obtain grant funding.

The auspice organisation is responsible for managing the grant funding and reporting on the expenditure of the grant funding (acquittal). Your organisation will remain responsible for delivering the project or activity.

To apply for a grant via an auspice organisation, you will need a letter stating that the organisation agrees to act as an auspice for the grant funded project. You will need to provide details from the auspice organisation such as contact details, their incorporation number and their ABN.


How to apply through SmartyGrants

Applicants must use SmartyGrants to submit an application to Canada Bay Council’s grants.

A Help Guide for Applicants is available to help you navigate and apply through the website.


Funding Centre – Answer Examples

The Funding Centre's Answers Bank is designed to help you frame your thinking when presented with questions on a grant application form that you are not sure how to answer. Answers should be adapted to your own organisation and project.


Drop-in Information Session 

We held an information session on the 18 February 2025. If you missed out, view the presentation online

Documents you may need to complete your application form 

  • Public liability insurance certificate 
  • Recent Canada Bay aquittal form (if applicable) 
  • Organistion details: ABN, Incorporation Number or Australian Company Number. 
  • Organisations Bank Account details: Account Name, BSB, Account Number
  • Auspice Organisation Support (if applicable): Signed letter from the auspice organisation 
  • Auspice Organisation details (if applicable): ABN, Incorporation Number or Australian Company Number 
  • Quotes for items over $1,000. 
  • Venue/Facility booking request (if applicable)