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Bulk household

Bulk household waste collection service

Your bulk household waste collection

The City of Canada Bay now provides up to 4 bulk household waste collections per year for residents. 

  • Standalone houses and units in small apartment blocks can book up to 4 collections per year via the booking portal below or by calling our Waste Hotline.
  • Large apartment blocks (generally over 21 units) and private estates will get 4 scheduled collections per year. These will be scheduled by Council and you can check your building’s collection dates on our calendar, via the Waste Info app or by calling our Waste Hotline.

Our Waste Hotline service is available from Monday to Friday, 8am–5pm on 1300 551 659.

This service is last resort to help you dispose of unwanted bulky household waste items that cannot go in your household bins, and cannot be rehomed, reused or recycled. All mattresses, white goods and garden organic material collected in bulk household are sent for recycling. Unfortunately, most other mixed material placed out with bulk household is sent to landfill. 


Bulk household waste on the sidewalk in front of a house.

Book a collection

If you live in a house or small apartment block (generally less than 21 units), you can now pre-book up to four bulk household waste collections as you need them.

A person using the Waste Info App on their iphone.

Scheduled collection dates

If you live in an estate or large apartment block (generally more than 21 units), your building will now receive up to four scheduled bulk household waste collections per year.

What can and can't be put out for collection?

Accepted items
  • Mattresses
  • General household items 
  • Garden organics (branches must be under 1.5 metres and bundled)
  • Metals and white goods (with doors taped or removed)

Infographic showing what items are accepted for council clean-up including mattresses, whitegoods, branches and general furniture

Unacceptable items

The following materials will be rejected and if not removed from the kerb immediately will be treated as illegal dumping and can result in a fine of between $1,000 and $8,000:

  • Materials presented earlier than the night before your collection (if you've pre-booked)
  • Materials presented earlier than the weekend before your collection (if your collection is scheduled)
  • Hazardous waste such as paint, gas bottles, batteries and light globes; these items can be dropped of at the Community Recycling Centre free of charge
  • Asbestos and fibro
  • Car parts and tyres
  • Mirrors and glass
  • Building materials, dirt, rocks and sand
  • Large bulky items that are too heavy to lift by 2 people
  • Waste exceeding your allowance, 2 cubic metres per collection

Infographic showing items that are not accepted for council clean-up including rocks and hazardous waste.

How to present your items for collection

Materials must be placed on the kerbside nature strip in front of your property the night before your collection date.

Help us maximise the items that can be recycled by sorting your items into 4 separate piles so they can be collected by different trucks:

  1. Mattresses.
  2. General household items such as broken furniture, toys and household items — all loose materials must be placed in boxes or tied in bundles.
  3. Garden organics — tie and bundle branches, branches over 1.5 metres will not be accepted.
  4. Metals and white goods — please note all doors should be taped shut or removed.

Illustration demonstrating how items should be presented in 4 different piles for collection: mattresses, bundled green waste, general household items, and metals and whitegoods.

Help and more information

Not sure how to book a collection? Watch this step-by-step video.

Frequently asked questions:

  1. I can't see my scheduled collections on the calendar? Call the Waste Hotline Monday to Friday, 8am–5pm on 1300 551 659.
  2. Can I print a copy of my scheduled collection dates? Yes, go to our calendar and look up your address. Your bulk household collection dates will be highlighted in purple. To save or print a copy of this calendar, click on the 'print' button at the top right of the calendar.
  3. Why did Council change its bulk household waste collection service? The change is in response to feedback Council has received from residents asking for a more frequent and more flexible service compared with the current twice yearly scheduled collections.
  4. Why do some properties have a bookable service and some a scheduled service? Council has assigned a bookable service to properties where it is practical to deliver this service. At larger unit blocks and estates we have assigned a scheduled service so that we can collect items more efficiently and minimise the amount of time that waste is kerbside — this helps avoid illegal dumping and keep our streets clean.
  5. Do I always need to go online to book my prebooked collection? You can book a collection online at any time through our online portal. If you prefer, you can call the Waste Hotline Monday to Friday, 8am–5pm on 1300 551 659, and they will make a booking for you.
  6. Why can I only place my items out 24 hours before my booked collection? This is important to minimise the amount of time that items are left on the kerb. This ensures our streets are clean and discourages illegal dumping.
  7. Why do I need to present my items in four separate piles? Bulk household items are picked up by four different trucks (which will collect items at different times during your collection day/week) and having items divided into four separate piles makes it easier for our contractors to pick up the correct waste items and ensure that they are taken to the appropriate facility. Mattresses, bulk garden organics and metals/white goods are taken to separate recycling facilities, while most other material is sent to landfill. 
  8. I live in a small apartment block that will have a bookable service. Are the 4 collections per year for my individual unit or the whole block? Each separate unit in the block will be entitled to make up to 4 bookings each, per year, at a time that suits them.
  9. How do I cancel or change a bulk household booking? You can cancel a booking via the booking portal. Enter your address and click the 'cancel' button by your booking. You will need your original booking confirmation number to do this. You can also call the Waste Hotline Monday to Friday, 8am–5pm on 1300 551 659 and they can cancel or change a booking for you.


Let's Rethink Rubbish logo

Are your items too good to send to landfill? Let's rethink your rubbish.

Council clean-ups should be considered a last resort for items that cannot be rehomed, reused or recycled.

A recent audit of our bulk household waste service showed that a massive 41% of items placed out for collection were in reusable condition, which means that they could have been rehomed rather than taken to landfill. You can help reduce this waste by considering whether any items you plan to put out for council clean-up could be rehomed or recycled instead; saving precious resources from landfill. 

Not sure how to give your items a second life? Here are some free services and ideas to get you started:

  • Try giving things that you no longer need to family, friends or neighbours. Alternatively, try The Bower’s reuse database
  • Council also partners with the Bower Reuse and Repair Centre to provide residents with a free collection and rehoming service. If you have unwanted furniture and household items, The Bower may have capacity to collect it. If they are unable to accept the donations, they may refer you to an organisation or charity within their rehoming database. These organisations repair, reuse or resell your wanted goods, keeping them out of landfill. For more information, visit the Bower Reuse and Repair Centre.
  • If you have tricky-to-recycle items that don't belong in your household bins such as paints and batteries, drop them off for free at our Community Recycling Centre located at 15-17 Regatta Road, Five Dock. 
  • Council partners with HomeCycle to offer a free home pick-up recycling service for tricky items including clothing and accessories, small electronic items, phones, batteries, soft plastics, oversized cardboard and more. Book a pick-up on their website.
  • Get ideas for how to transform old or worn out items into something new by searching the ‘upcycling’ hashtags on social media. Sometimes it's as easy as giving an old piece of furniture a coat of paint or sewing up a hole in a piece of fabric to make your stuff like new again!
  • Turn your items into cash by selling them on Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace. You can also give away items for free on online platforms like Freecycle, in local Facebook groups or Gumtree.
  • There are Recycling Stations across the City where you can recycle household batteries, mobile phones, light globes and home printer cartridges safely and for free. Click here to find out where they are.