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Volunteers play a vital role in contributing to the City of Canada Bay community. Each year, unpaid volunteers donate their free time, skills and enthusiasm to support local events, activities and programs that assist or improve the lives of others. By volunteering locally, you will have an opportunity to support your community, meet other local community members and learn new skills.

The City of Canada Bay is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. We're committed to removing barriers and encouraging people with disability to volunteer. The City of Canada Bay is also a Child Safe organisation that recognises and advocates for the rights of children and young people. 

Ready to Volunteer?

If you are ready to consider volunteering, below is some information to assist you with the process.

How to start?

Look through the volunteering opportunities listed on Council’s website or visit Seek Volunteering or NSW Volunteering.

What to expect?

Once you have decided to volunteer, the following steps happen with most volunteer roles.

  • Completing paperwork. Most volunteer positions require you to complete some paperwork prior to commencing. This is often to ensure that you are covered by insurance and that you have all the information required for your volunteer role.
  • Attend a meeting/ interview. You will usually be required to attend an initial meeting or interview for a volunteer role. This will give you an opportunity to meet the volunteer coordinator and find out more about the volunteering role.
  • Complete background checks. Many roles require volunteers to complete a Working With Children Check and/or National Police Check prior to volunteering.
  • Complete an induction. An induction will make sure that you have all the information and training you require to commence your volunteer role.
  • Ongoing support. 
  • Recognition. Thanking volunteers for their extraordinary efforts is an important consideration for most organisations. Council holds an annual Volunteers Morning Tea to thank local volunteers for their time and dedication.
Volunteer With Council (Community & Library Services, Bushcare, Seniors Bus Trips, Love Your Place, Duke of Edingburgh Award)

The City of Canada Bay has a range of volunteering opportunities available:


Bushcare is a volunteering program that enables community members to participate in the restoration, enhancement and maintenance of natural areas within the City of Canada Bay. These activities may be suitable for the Service (Volunteering) Section of the Award.
To discuss these opportunities email Council's Bushcare Team Leader or phone 9911 6555.



Library Services: Concord and Five Dock libraries may have suitable tasks such as collection maintenance duties that will satisfy the requirements for the Service (Volunteering) Section of the Award. 

To apply to volunteer at the libraries as a Duke of Edinburgh student, click here. To discuss these opportunities at Concord Library, email Concord Library or ring 9911 6313; at Five Dock Library email Five Dock Library or ring 9911 6210.



Our Children's Services also have volunteering opportunities for Duke of Edinburgh Award participants. Contact them at:

For further information on the Award, please go to the Duke of Edinburgh Award website.



Seniors Bus Trips: Volunteering opportunities for bus assistance for the Bay Connection groups. The City of Canada Bay runs Bay Connection bus outings for seniors who want to get out and about exploring the Sydney metropolitan area. Bay Connection bus trips are designed for people who live in the City of Canada Bay local government area and are over 55 years of age, prefer to walk short distances, and do require some assistance getting on and off the bus — we also pick up the participants from their residence. 

The trips operate on Tuesdays and Fridays. To discuss opportunities please contact the Community Development Team on 9911 6555 or send an email to


Where else to Volunteer in City of Canada Bay?

Council programs


Position(s) available

Level of commitment

Contact details

Seniors Bus Trips

Volunteer assistant

If you are interested in volunteering on Seniors Bus Trips, please contact the Community Services Team. Days required: Tuesday or Friday

Community Services Team on 9911 6587

Bushcare Volunteer Program

Bushcare volunteer


Council's Bushcare Team Leader on 9911 6555 or visit our Bushcare page.

Love Your Place program


Flexible (more information)

Sustainability Projects Officer on 9911 6555


Community organisations


Position(s) available

Level of commitment

Contact details

The Burdekin Association

Youth support including:

  • Driver supervision
  • Mentoring
  • Social support
Varies The Burdekin Association
CABL - Community Action for Better Living Meals on Wheels drivers and runners Weekly or fortnightly CABL Website

Community Circles Australia

2-Hour Club 2 hours per month Community Circles Australia

Community Circles Australia

Community Circles Facilitator Varies  Community Circles Australia

Concord Heritage Society Inc.

Museum roster 

Every Wednesday and Saturday, 10am-4pm

Lois Michel on 9744 8528

Concord Heritage Society Inc.

Tour guides for Yaralla and Rivendell

3 days per year

Lois Michel on 9744 8528

Concord Heritage Society Inc.

People with skills in marketing, grant writing, etc.


Lois Michel on 9744 8528 

Concord Rotary Farmers Market

Volunteers to help set up or pack down the Rotary's market stalls.

Twice monthly - flexible/casual volunteers welcome

Set up from 6-8am or pack down 12-1pm


Inner West Meals on Wheels

Volunteer runners and drivers

Weekly - Fortnightly


Website: Inner West Meals on Wheels | Community Action For Better Living

Phone: 02 9747 1135 

Drummoyne Community Centre Inc.

Office assistants

Half day per week 

Volunteer Coordinator  on 9719 8102    

Drummoyne Community Centre Inc. 

Driver with own car

Flexible - half a day per week or fortnight 

Volunteer Coordinator on 9719 8102  

Drummoyne Community Centre Inc.  

Mini bus driver

Flexible - half a day per week or fortnight  

Volunteer Coordinator on 9719 8102  

Drummoyne Community Centre Inc.   

Bus assistant

Flexible - 1-2 hours per week or fortnight   

Volunteer Coordinator on 9719 8102  

Drummoyne Community Centre Inc.    

Admin Assistant

Half day per week

Volunteer Coordinator on 9719 8102  

Drummoyne Community Centre Inc.  

Committee members

2 hours per month 

Volunteer Coordinator on 9719 8102   

Inner West Neighbourhood Aid

Home visits volunteer

1-2 hours per week or fortnight

Volunteer Coordinator on 9799 5099

Inner West Neighbourhood Aid

Mini outing volunteer

5 hours per week or fortnight

Volunteer Coordinator on 9799 5099

Inner West Neighbourhood Aid

Residential aged care visitor

1-2 hours per week or fortnight

Volunteer Coordinator on 9799 5099 

Inner West Neighbourhood Aid

Volunteer gardeners

3 hours per week or fortnight

Volunteer Coordinator on 9799 5099 

Sir Roden and Lady Cutler Foundation Volunteer drivers Varies Visit or call 8765 8661 


Volunteering useful links

If you still haven’t found a volunteer opportunity that suits you, visit Seek Volunteer or NSW Volunteering for an up-to-date list of volunteering opportunities.

Organisations seeking volunteers should ensure they hold current and valid volunteer insurance and review the definitions of volunteering and the principles of Volunteering Australia.

Related links: