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Our urban tree canopy


Over the next 20 years, our area will become increasingly warm as a result of climate change. Urban tree canopies play a significant role in helping create liveable neighbourhoods and benefit the health and wellbeing of our community. They provide shade, improve air quality, absorb carbon and rainfall, cool local environments, and support wildlife. Collectively, urban trees make up an urban forest. An added bonus is the beauty and charm street tree canopies bring to our neighbourhoods.

Help us increase our urban canopy

The City of Canada Bay is part of the NSW Government's Five Million Trees for Greater Sydney project, which aims to increase tree canopy cover across Sydney's streets, parks, backyards, neighbourhoods and schools. At the City of Canada Bay, our aim is to increase tree canopy cover from 18 to 25 per cent across the City by 2040. To make this happen, we need to plant 2,500 trees every year. Council is planning to plant 1,500 trees each year and we are counting on our community to help us by planting the remaining 1,000 trees to reach our quota each year. 

Whether you are a school, community group, business or resident, we need your help to plant trees for the future. If you have space to plant a tree you can apply for a free tree or check our Urban Canopy Street Trees guide to choose a tree suitable to our area. If you have already planted a tree, you can register it to make it count towards our targets. 

See our Trees Matter brochure for more information.

Bird eye view of trees

Urban Canopy Strategy

Learn more about the City of Canada Bay Urban Canopy Strategy, our targets, plans and why we need your help.  

kookaburra in a tree

Benefits of trees

Why are trees so important? Did you know trees have a direct impact on our physical and mental well-being? 

A tree seedling being planted

Council tree planting

See where Council is currently planting trees and help us find other suitable locations to reach our targets.

Banksia flower

Meet local species

Are you familiar with native tree species in our area? Do you need help choosing the right tree to plant? Check out our guide to local species. 

Trees and apartment buildings in Rhodes

Learn about trees

Learn about trees in the City of Canada Bay and how you can get involved as we grow our urban tree canopy, starting with Rhodes.

Tree in a park


Read about Council's conservation efforts and how you too can get involved!