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Community Engagement


How Council consults

Council is committed to engaging with the community on key matters that may impact upon the community.

Council's definition of community engagement is based on the United Nations Declaration on Community Engagement (2005).

Community engagement is a two-way process of dialogue by which the aspirations, concerns, needs and values of our local community and other relevant stakeholders are incorporated into policy development, planning, decision-making, service delivery and assessment. It is viewed as critical to effective, transparent and accountable governance.

Collaborate Canada Bay is our online community engagement platform where we provide information and seek feedback and input on key current projects. Visit the platform here.

Council's commitment to community engagement is outlined in full in the following documents:

Community Engagement Policy

This policy provides a framework for the way the Council will undertake community engagement on issues or decisions for which Council is responsible. Community Engagement Policy It was adopted in September 2022.

Community Engagement Strategy

Council, under the Local Government Act 1993, is required to have a community engagement strategy based upon social justice principles for engaging the community when developing the community strategic plan and for other planning activities. The purpose of this strategy is to outline the processes Council will use to engage the community in a range of planning contexts. It describes how the Council's Community Engagement Policy will be implemented and it informs how individual engagement action plans will be developed and carried out.

This strategy was adopted in September 2022.

Community Engagement Strategy