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Our aim is to reach 25 per cent tree canopy cover by 2040.

Trees are a major influence on our streetscapes, contributing significantly to the appearance and value of properties. Indigenous trees provide shade for humans and structures, shelter for wildlife and in urban areas act as wildlife corridors. Trees reduce the effects of pollution, humidity, glare, soil erosion, improve water quality and are an essential part of our living environment.

The City of Canada Bay Development Control Plan (DCP) contains controls which aim to conserve and enhance the tree scape and environmental amenity of the City of Canada Bay. A permit issued by Council is required to prune or remove a tree, unless the particular tree works fall under the exempt provisions detailed in clause C5.1 - Pruning and Removal of Trees, contained within the City of Canada Bay DCP.  If the tree is on land that forms part of a heritage item or is within a heritage conservation area, as identified under Schedule 5 of the Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan, 2013, then development consent is required.

For more information on the exemption provisions view Council's fact sheets Private Tree Management Manual, Pruning and Removal of Trees Fact Sheet or download Council's form for Tree Pruning and Removal Permit.  Return the form to Council along with the appropriate fee to make your application.

Species native to Australia

Planting trees in the City of Canada Bay

Species native to Australia, suitable for the Canada Bay area:

Common name Genus species Height guide Features
Large leafed Lilly Pilly Acmena smithii 12-18m Tall graceful tree with a weeping habit. Shiny green leaves. Screening plant
Willow myrtle Agonis flexuosa 7-12m Small tree with a weeping habit twisted trunk. Drought tolerant.
Dwarf Apple Gum Angophora hispida 6-10m Small tree that has a low spreading habit. Drought tolerant tree.
Lemon scented Myrtle Backhousia citriodora 6-8m Fast growing small tree with shiny leaves and strong lemon scent. Masses with white spring
Willow bottlebrush Callistemon citrinus 8-10m Drought tolerant small tree. Attracts birds with large red bottlebrush flowers
Blueberry Ash Elaeocarpus reticulatus 8-12m Small tree screen plant. Tolerate sun/semi shade.
Bush Cherry Syzgium paniculatum 15-18m Small-medium tree. Rounded crown. Bird attractive, Specimen tree
Indigenous species found in the City of Canada Bay

Indigenous species found in the City of Canada Bay:

Common name Genus species Height guide Features
Smooth - barked apple Angophora costata 15-25m Tall gracefull tree with a smooth pink bark. Shade or specimen tree. Attracts birds.
Rough - barked apple Angophora floribunda 7-15m Medium sized tree. Drought tolerant and has a fibrous bark.
Christmas bush Ceratopetalum gummiferum 7-15m Small slender tree with massess of read flowers in early summer. Screening plant.
Grey Gum Eucalyptus punctata 15-20m Medium-tall shade tree. Drought tolerant.
Sydney peppermint Eucalyptus piperita 15-18m Small to medium shade tree. Drought tolerant.
Turpentine Syncarpia glomulifera 20-30m Tall tree with domed crown. Shade tree. Drought tolerant.