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Local Planning Panel (LPP)

Local Planning Panel (LPP)

The City of Canada Bay Local Planning Panel (LPP) commenced on the 01 March 2018. The types of applications that need to be determined by the Panel can be found in the Fact Sheet. The LPP consists of experts and community members who are independent of Council.

Any application required to be determined by the Panel will be assessed within the same legislative process as is currently required for all applications under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.  Applicants do not need to do anything different to the current application process.  Council staff will refer any affected application to the Panel in accordance with our operational procedures for these Panels.

Panel Members

Jason Perica (Permanent Chair)
Pamela Soon (Alternate Chair)
Chris Wilson (Alternate Chair)

Expert Members
Stephen Alchin
Sheridan Burke
Garry Chapman
Tina Christy
Judy Clark
Lindsey Dey
Marcia Doheny
Toney Hallahan
Peter Monks
Larissa Ozog
Noni Ruker
Juliet Suich
Tony Tribe
Julie Walsh
Heather Warton

Community Members
Ruth Frettingham
Dean Hart
Anita Kazi
Anne Potter
Alison Webb

Download the NSW Government's Code of Conduct for Local Planning Panel Members

If you are an applicant/owner of a property for which a development or other planning related application is being submitted to the LPP for determination, or a person/company acting on behalf of an applicant, or you have made a submission on the application, you will be notified of the Panel meeting date on which the application is to be considered.  The letter will include details on how to register to address the Panel meeting prior to the application being determined. 

The Agenda and the Minutes for recent Panel meetings can be viewed below. To view earlier Agenda and meeting Minutes please complete the Access to Information Request form.