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Development Applications


Important updates to DA processing (effective July 2024)

The Minister for Planning has issued new guidelines to expedite the assessment of development applications. Because of this, Council has had to change how we accept, review and assess applications.

  • Submit via NSW Planning Portal: Use our application lodgement guide and checklist to ensure your application is complete before submission. Incomplete applications will be returned with a list of issues that must be addressed before resubmission. Once your DA is accepted, you must pay your invoice within 48 hours.
  • Assessment Changes: An application will be assessed using the documents provided at the lodgement. The proposal will be refused if it has fundamental issues that cannot be resolved. If the assessment identifies minor issues that can be resolved by supplying amended plans or documents, Council will request this information and provide you with 21 days to respond. You only get one opportunity to amend your application, and failure to resolve all matters will result in the application being refused.
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DA pre-lodgement panel

DA pre-lodgement panel

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Local Planning Panel (LPP)

Local Planning Panel (LPP)

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