City of Canada Bay is home to around 7,000 young people aged 12 to 24, and we’re dedicated to making sure everyone feels engaged, empowered, included, and celebrated. Working alongside young people, our community, and local service providers, we’re committed to building a supportive, resilient, and vibrant environment for all.
Our youth programs are fully inclusive, welcoming young people from all backgrounds.
Celebrate Youth Week 2025 with the City of Canada Bay!
Our Youth Week program is now live on Collaborate. From April 9-17 (and beyond!), young people aged 12-24 are invited to join the fun with a range of free activities and events on offer.
This year’s theme is all about your power — as creators, leaders and changemakers. Whether you're showcasing your talents, speaking up on issues that matter, or just having a great time, this is your moment.
Book now and don’t miss out! Stay tuned and follow us on socials for updates.
Every December and January City of Canada Bay Libraries invite youth to take part in the Youth Summer Reading Program and be rewarded for their reading over the summer holiday period. Check out What's On and browse the Youth or Library tags.
Search for articles and information in thousands of magazines, journals, newspapers, encyclopaedias and reference books. These eResources provide you with quality, reliable information to make your bibliography look great!
The school and HSC collection has everything you need to prep for your exams, including study guides, revisions, exam tips and past papers. The collection caters for years 7-12. Only four books from this collection can be borrowed at one time, with a three week loan period, and no renewals. If you cannot find what you need, our library staff can help you find information and resources to get your assignments and study completed.
Each year, City of Canada Bay Libraries present a series of HSC extended hours events (called HSC Study More) and lectures by experienced speakers. Follow us on social media @canbaylibraries to be first to know. Free events and workshops will also be updated on What's On under the Youth tag.
For more details, please Contact Us.
Advocate for Children and Young People is an independent statutory office reporting to the NSW Parliament through the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Children and Young People.
Anti-Discrimination NSW provide support and advocacy to people who have been discriminated against, sexually harassed, vilified or victimised in NSW. Free calls available to 1800 670 812.
Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network is the national peak body on multicultural youth issues – Australia’s only national voice represents the needs and interests of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Youth Action is the peak organisation representing young people and youth services across NSW.
YFoundations is the peak body organisation representing youth homelessness in Australia.
Young People NSW provides useful information, guidance and support services for all stages of a young person's life in NSW.
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) is a free 24/7 counselling helpline for NSW residents dealing with drug and alcohol related issues. Web chat is offered between 8:30am and 5pm.
Family Drug Support Line (24 hours) is national telephone service that assists families to deal with alcohol and drug issues in a way that strengthens relationships and achieves positive outcomes: 1300 368 186.
Lifeline Australia is a 24/7 telephone crisis support and suicide prevention hotline: 13 11 14.
Beyond Blue offers a 24/7 support and chat line: 1300 224 636.
Kids helpline is a free, confidential and anonymous telephone and online counselling service, specifically for young people aged between five and 25 years old: 1800 551 800.
Headspace offers online and telephone counselling for young people.
QLife Australia provide LGBTI peer support daily from 3pm to midnight: 1800 184 527.
Reach Out! offers information on issues relating to youth suicide.
Suicide Call-back Service: 1300 659 467.
Transcultural Mental Health Service
NSW Mental Health Line is available 24/7 at 1800 011 511.
1800RESPECT is a national sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling service: 1800 737 732.
Domestic Violence Helpline NSW: 1800 656 463.
Barnardos work with young people 12-18 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and their families to reconnect the young person with family, education, community, training and employment.
The Burdekin Association offer an integrated approach to solving issues of child and youth homelessness.
Link2home provides 24/7 referral to accommodation and services. You can contact them at 1800 152 152.
Missionbeat provide homelessness outreach, welfare checks and services assisting people who are sleeping rough. Call them on 1800 306 461.
Inner West Youth Homelessness Service is a partnership between Youth Off The Streets, Wesley Mission and YWCA Australia. IWYHS provides support to young people aged 16 to 25 years of age who are at risk of becoming homeless or who are currently experiencing homelessness in Sydney's Inner West. Email: or Call: 8217 4700.
Youth Law Australia provide free, confidential legal information and help for young people under 25.
The Shopfront provides free legal assistance for homeless and disadvantaged young people aged 25 and under.
Q Life provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTQ+ peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
Twenty10 provide a broad range of specialised services for young LGBTIQA+ people 12-25 including housing, mental health, counselling and social support.
ACON provide community health support for the LGBTIQ+ community.
Ask for Health is a website that provides trusted health information for young people under 25.
Butterfly Foundation is a website that provides information and support for eating disorders.
Play Safe is a website that provides information and support for sexual health in young people.
Youthblock Youth Health provides free, safe and confidential support, counselling, information and health services for young people aged 12-25 who live or spend time in the Sydney Local Health District (Inner West of Sydney).
Black Dog Institute provides support for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.
Beyond Blue provides information and support for people experiencing difficulties with their mental health.
Headspace Ashfield is a free and confidential service where young people aged 12-25 and their families can access support for their mental health, physical and sexual health, drug and alcohol concerns and work and study needs.
One Eighty is a youth-led organisation providing accessible peer-to-peer models of community support informed by lived experience of mental ill-health to increase mental health resilience.
Reach Out is safe place for young people to chat anonymously, get support, and feel better.
SANE provides information and support for people with recurring, persistent or complex mental health issues and trauma.
Carer Gateway provide emotional and practical services and support for people who care for a family member that may have an illness, disability, mental health issue, or alcohol or other drug problem.
Raising Children Network provide free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help your family grow and thrive together.
Reach Out (Parents & Carers) a safe, online place to get information and support to help you and your teen feel better.
eSafety Commissioner educates Australians about online safety risks and help to remove harmful content such as cyberbullying of children, adult cyber abuse and intimate images or videos shared without consent. eSafety provides a wide range of online safety programs, resources, online safety webinars and face-to-face presentations.
Phoenix House provide early intervention and support services to young people experiencing a range of issues.
Taldumande supports vulnerable and homeless children and young people aged 12-24 years, and their families.
The Girls Refuge is for young women aged 13-17, experiencing trauma or instability at home, The Girls Refuge provides a safe place — a refuge where they can feel secure, reboot, and access the support they need.
Young Carers Network provide support to young people under 25 looking after family members who may have an illness, disability, mental health issue, or alcohol or other drug problem.
The City of Canada Bay is a child safe community that recognises and advocates for the rights of children and young people. Our policies and procedures aim to reduce the likelihood of harm to children, to increase the likelihood of identifying and reporting harm, and respond appropriately to disclosures, allegations or suspicions of harm.