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Exempt and Complying

Exempt Development

Exempt development is development that will have minimal impact on the local environment (eg a low front fence, barbeque, solar hot water heater or pergola). If your proposed development complies with the requirements for each development type, you do not need approval from Council. 

Development which does not fall within the listed exempt development criteria requires a complying development certificate or development consent.

To find out if your proposed development can be done as exempt development refer to State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008. You will need to review the General information contained within Part 1 as well as the development specific information in Part 2. 

Please also refer to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for more information and resources in relation to Exempt Development

Complying Development    

Complying development is development that is considered to be predictable in its environmental impact and therefore of minor consequence. 

To find out if your proposed development satisfies the subject requirements refer to State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, You will need to review the General information contained with Part 1 as well as he development specific information in Parts 3 - 9.

Please also refer to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for more information and resources in relation to Complying Development

You can apply for a complying development certificate from Council's Certification Team. Our team of professionally qualified building surveyors have a wealth of experience in development matters and will provide you with an informative and reliable quality service that is both efficient and cost-effective.


Please seek your own advice to determine if exempt or complying development is relevant to your proposed works. Please note that Council's Duty Planning Service does not provide specific advice about exempt or complying development.