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LEGO Story Builders | Ages 8-12

LEGO Story Builders | Ages 8-12

Five Dock Library View in maps

Join us for a family event where children and parents collaborate creatively using LEGO bricks and minifigures to craft a mind-blowing story!

This engaging activity brings imaginative stories to life through stop motion animation. Families craft each frame using a Stop Motion Animation App, enhancing teamwork and attention to detail.

The event combines the fun of building with the excitement of storytelling, allowing families to experiment with ideas and movement to improve their narrative skills. This blend of tactile and digital media makes the process enjoyable and educational, promoting problem-solving, patience, and planning.

Overall, this LEGO stop motion animation activity is a fantastic way for families to bond and create memorable stories together.

Suitable for children aged 8-12.


16 July 2024:
11:00am - 12:00pm




Booking required