Let's spring clean Halliday Park for the Godwits! This Riverfest, roll up your sleeves and join our community clean-up to help prepare our foreshore, river and parks for the arrival of migratory shorebirds like the Bar-tailed Godwits back to our City.
The Bar-tailed Godwit is a feature and a symbol of the Parramatta River, a small migratory shorebird that arrives each spring to feed along our waters. In recent years, the number of Godwits visiting our area has been in steady decline. Some of the key threats to these birds include off-leash dogs in breeding areas and litter and pollution in the river.
Join the clean-up to help us protect the birds and support of Our Living River. Cleaning materials and a free sausage sizzle will be provided for all volunteers.
Birdlife Australia will also be onsite on the day to show you how to ID and count birds so you can participate in the upcoming Aussie Backyard Birdcount.
For more information, send Council an email or call 9911 6555.
This is a free event.