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City of Canada Bay launches electric vehicle strategy

Sustainability | 28 June 2023

The City of Canada Bay adopted its first Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy and Action Plan at a Council meeting on 20 June 2023.

“Council has an important role in supporting State and Federal governments and our residents, organisations, and businesses to transition to electric vehicles in a timely and effective way,” said City of Canada Bay’s Mayor Angelo Tsirekas.

The Australian and NSW Governments are responsible for leading the transition to a zero-emissions transport future in NSW, alongside the private sector.

The NSW Government has committed to making NSW the easiest place in the country to buy and use an EV, investing in programs to encourage the private sector to install convenient, fast charging infrastructure and increase the range of affordable EV models in the market.

The City of Canada Bay’s EV Strategy and Action Plan establishes a framework to guide, regulate and advocate for the delivery of EV infrastructure on both public and private land, including a call to government for a more streamlined process for approving and funding EV chargers in strata buildings.

“Council will support the private sector, NSW Government and residents in the transition to install local EV charging infrastructure that meets our community needs and suits the character of local suburbs,” adds Mayor Angelo Tsirekas.

“We will also work to ensure safe access and management of charging stations, encouraging providers of public EV chargers to choose appropriate sites and allow for equitable access for everyone through our strategy and policy.”

Almost 800,000 tonnes of greenhouse gasses are emitted in the City of Canada Bay annually, of which one quarter are from transport. Transition to EVs is an important step towards achieving Council’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets of net zero from Council operations by 2030 and from the community by 2050.

Council also endorsed the draft Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Policy at the June Council meeting, which is set to go on public exhibition in the coming month.

To review the City of Canada Bay’s EV Strategy and Action Plan or give your feedback on the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Policy, visit

Sustainability | 28 June 2023