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Sustainability Awards: nominations now open!

Council | 12 July 2022

Nominations for the City of Canada Bay’s Sustainability Awards are now open. The awards recognise the outstanding contribution of business, community organisations, and individuals in creating a more sustainable City.

The award categories include:

  • Resilience: recognition of the initiatives of local business, community organisation or individuals that strengthen our local community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Innovation: recognises new inventions or innovations of businesses, community groups or individuals. 
  • Environment: recognition of a local business, resident and community organisation in the City of Canada Bay that has made environmentally responsible choices to tackle an environmental issue in the community.
  • Access: recognises local business owners improving accessibility.
  • Child Friendly: Recognition for the most child friendly business in the City of Canada Bay and promotes sustainable business and community.
  • Culture: recognition of key cultural and heritage contributions to the social cohesion of the City.
  • Heritage: to commend members of the community for their work in conserving and maintaining heritage properties, properties that contribute to the significance of conservation areas, and for projects that encourage an understanding of heritage in the City of Canada Bay.
  • Partnerships: recognition of local businesses and organisations who partner with Council to provide a range of promotions and events for the community.
  • Recognition: recognition of local business and community organisation’s success and longevity in the community. Milestones recognised are 25, 50, 75 or 100 years of service to the local community.
  • Disability Employer: Recognition of businesses that provide sustainable employment for people with a disability.

Nominations close on 10 August and winners will be announced at an awards night at Rhodes Phoenix Restaurant on Monday, 26 September 2022.

Submit your nominations online at For more information call 9911 6555.

Council | 12 July 2022