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Timbrell Park Living Room initiative in Five Dock

Council | 29 September 2020

The City of Canada Bay will support the development of plans for an innovative new community space at Livvi’s Place, Five Dock.

“Following unanimous endorsement at the September Council Meeting I am proud that we are once again throwing our support behind a new initiative from one of Australia’s great social innovators, the Touched by Olivia Foundation,” City of Canada Bay Mayor Angelo Tsirekas said.

“We will now be home to the Foundation’s first Living Room – an indoor/outdoor community space at Livvi’s Place in Timbrell Park where everyone is welcome.”

The City of Canada Bay Council voted unanimously to support the development of plans for the replacement of the existing kiosk café with a multi-functional space which will include an expanded service.

“We are thrilled to be collaborating once again with the City of Canada Bay,” Touched by Olivia Founding Director Justine Perkins said. “There’s no better place for us to begin the next chapter in our journey than at Livvi’s Place in Five Dock – our Foundation’s first inclusive play space.”

The new Living Room will be managed by Touched by Olivia and operate as a venue that would allow members of the community to:

  • Drop-in, chat and socialise in a safe, relaxed environment – providing an inclusive community space for good old fashioned fun and conversation
  • Attend programs and workshops that are aimed at addressing and supporting the needs of the community
  • Hire for events and parties.

The Living Room will also encompass a more extensive social enterprise cafe that will enable more people within our community, who face barriers to employment, the opportunity to gain meaningful hospitality training and experience. 

“In funding and delivering the design development and community engagement for this project, Council will work with our local community to ensure we get the best outcomes for those who use Timbrell Park, local residents and for the Foundation,” Mayor Tsirekas said.

“Once a detailed plan and design is ready and we have the community’s support, the Foundation will be able to lead a fundraising campaign for this project,” Ms Perkins said.

“We have already secured a $10,000 grant from the Federal Government for this wonderful project and we have a great track record when it comes to delivering corporate and community funding for important projects.”

The Foundation is launching its fundraising for the Living Room project in October with its community challenge campaign ‘Planktober’.

“Planktober is all about getting active, getting your family and friends behind you and raising funds to help local communities create spaces that foster inclusiveness, connection and a sense of belonging.”

For more info on the Planktober campaign or to register visit

Council | 29 September 2020