The City of Canada Bay strives to be open and transparent about our performance. We take pride in our work and we want our community to be aware of how we are progressing with our key capital projects.
In the 2018/19 financial year, the City of Canada Bay Capital Works program had a total budget of $21.6 million. Of that budget, we spent $19,644,000. Click on the headings below to see how all our Capital Works projects tracked to June 30, 2019.
● On track
● Moved to next financial year
● At risk of delay or cost impact
● On hold while issues being addressed
● Completed
On certain browsers, you may need to scroll left and right to see the whole table.
Project | Budgeted 2018/19 | Spent 2018/19 | Status | Comments |
Community Centre Foreshore Park | $130,000 | $31,000 | 4 | Shade sail installed in November 2018. |
Annual Parks Renewal Program - Playground Equipment | $308,000 | $331,000 | 1 | Rhodes Park 5 Senses accessible community garden and playground Grand opening held 15 February 2019. Salton Reserve playground opening held on 1 June 2019. Roberts Reserve playground re-opening on 15 June 2019. Dunlop Reserve playground removal and re-landscaping has commenced in June. |
Annual Skateboard Park Renewal Program | $30,000 | $27,000 | 1 | Audit report completed. Report actions being implemented on a prioritised basis. Minor repairs and bowl repainting have been undertaken. |
Annual Sports Fields Program | $300,000 | $295,000 | 4 | Field rebuild works at Arthur Walker Reserve are complete and field is open for use. |
Wangal Reserve and Punt Park POM Actions | $212,000 | $54,000 | 2 | Following adoption of the Wangal Reserve and Punt Park Plan of Management in November 2017, Stage One works commend mid-June 2019. Works include: Wangal Reserve - pathway lighting upgrade, path improvements, native planting, park furniture. Punt Park - Removal of model shed, native planting, restore pathway and retur areas. Listening post for Stage 2 works (including playground) held 15 June 2019. Further community consultation to follow for Stage 2 works. |
Real Time Water Monitoring - Public Facilities and Buildings | $69,000 | $67,000 | 4 | Water meters installed and monitoring being undertaken. |
Five Dock Public Domain Upgrade | $150,000 | $63,000 | 1 | Detailed design is nearing completion. Commencement of works is subject to NBN delivery authority completing their planned upgrade works at this location. |
Campbell Park Amenities Building | $46,000 | $41,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
Blackwall Point Road - Establishment Community Garden | $40,000 | $39,000 | 4 | Project Completed |
Drummoyne Pool - Changing Room Refurbishment | $148,000 | $148,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
Upgrade existing sightscreens at Drummoyne Oval | $104,000 | $105,000 | 4 | Installed December 2018. |
Infrastructure Renewal - Cabarita and Bayview Park | $479,000 | $350,000 | 1 | Bayview Park - footpath upgrade completed. New rotunda installed and water refill station to be installed. Cabarita Park - Memorial Drive works due to commence May 2019 and be completed by the end of June. |
Westconnex water recycling connection | $13,000 | $12,000 | 1 | A Concept Design for a proposed water treatment plant is being investigated. Discussions with WestConnex are ongoing. |
QE Park War Memorial - Tuck Point Restorations | $52,000 | $36,000 | 4 | Tuck pointing works currently underway. |
Timbrell Park Fencing Extension | $11,000 | $11,000 | 4 | Project completed in 2017/18. |
Decking and BBQ Area at Drummoyne Swimming Centre | $50,000 | $17,000 | 1 | Currently preparing design for installation in 2019 off-season. |
Cabarita Park eastern foreshore bollard lighting | $35,000 | $29,000 | 4 | It is expected that the foreshore lighting along the eastern walkway at Cabarita Park will be completed by June 2019. |
Tree Lighting at Lyons Road War Memorial | $123,000 | $117,000 | 4 | Project Completed |
Drummoyne Oval/ Taplin Stormwater re-use | $25,000 | $23,000 | 2 | Location for the tank agreed and concept plan finalised. Currently seeking quotes. |
Annual Shade Renewal Program | $50,000 | $86,000 | 1 | Kendall Reserve shade sail installed December 2018. Henry Lawson Park shade due for completion by end June 2019 |
Annual Outdoor Exercise EquipmentProgram | $90,000 | $46,000 | 3 | Location: Rhodes - Lewis Berger Park and Mill Park - Consultation completed. Fitness equipment has been ordered and is in transit. Installation expected end of June 2019. |
Goddard Park (Top Section) Sportsfield Irrigation | $90,000 | $84,000 | 4 | Works have been completed and Goddard Park is open for use. |
Rhodes Foreshore Lighting Replacement | $50,000 | $24,000 | 0 | Council staff are preparing plans to replace the existing foreshore lighting poles and circuits. |
Exile Bay Foreshore Lighting | $50,000 | $47,000 | 4 | Completed. |
Dog Off - Leash Site Improvements | $110,000 | $124,000 | 1 | Off-leash dog trials occurred at four locations in October/November 2018. On 4 December 2018 Council resolved for three sites to become permanent off-leash dog exercise areas (Kendall Reserve, King George V Park and Lower Phoenix Park). Staff are preparing an action plan to implement these resolutions. Council resolved for a further four month trial to occur at Timbrell Park, the results of this were reported to Council on 21 May 2019. Council officers prepapring a Dogs in Public Places Strategy which will invite further feedback from the community for the whole Local Governement Area. |
New Playground at Tom Murphy Reserve | $0 | $4,000 | 0 | 0 |
Dog Litter Bins | $13,000 | $6,000 | 4 | Installation of new dog litter bins ongoing. |
Drummoyne Pool Diving Blocks | $27,000 | $27,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
McIllwaine Park - River Activation | $258,000 | $0 | 1 | Project Plan completed. Designers working on upgrade and river activation designs. Community will be invited to provide feedback in August. |
Litter Bins Cabarita and McIlwaine Park | $89,000 | $91,000 | 4 | Project completed |
Other Projects | $1,125,000 | $993,000 | ||
Parks and Recreation | $4,277,000 | $3,328,000 |
Project | Budgeted 2018/19 | Spent 2018/19 | Status | Comments |
Annual Accessibility Works Program ( Bus Stop Upgrades etc) | $100,000 | $103,000 | 4 | Council has completed the annual transport accessibility improvement program for 2018. |
Annual Capital Works Traffic Facilities Program | $305,000 | $225,000 | 1 | Capital renewal of traffic facilities are now complete. |
Annual Footpaths Renewal Program | $922,000 | $885,000 | 1 | Council engaged a contractor and works are scheduled to commence in early January 2019. |
Annual Kerb/Gutter Renewal Program | $465,000 | $422,000 | 1 | K&G renewal works are 100% complete. |
Annual Regional Roads Program | $116,000 | $0 | 1 | Concrete slab jacking and replacement works have been completed in Burwood Road . |
Annual Road Pavement Renewal Program | $3,505,000 | $3,247,000 | 1 | Road resurfacing works are currently underway. Roads, kerb and gutter & lines and signs audit will be undertaken in March/April 2019. |
Road Restorations | $766,000 | $766,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
Road Resurfacing Program | $2,622,000 | $2,803,000 | 1 | Road resurfacing works are currently underway. Around 95% of the program is now complete. Roads, kerb and gutter & lines and signs audit has been completed and condition data is being analysed by our Consultant. |
The Terrace - Embankment Stabilisation | $65,000 | $31,000 | 1 | Detailed Design and Documentation are underway. Bid included for construction in 2020-21. |
Traffic Committee Initiatives | $40,000 | $39,000 | 1 | Trafic islands and linemarking installed in McCulloch Street in March 2019 and speed cushions to be installed on appraches to Ingham Avenue/Barnstaple Avenue roundabout in May 2019. |
Public Domain Plan Transport Interchange at Station Precinct | $144,000 | $16,000 | 1 | Council is waiting on principle approval from RMS on signalization of intersections within Station precinct. |
Ramp access to Taplin Park public Toilets and Canteen | $38,000 | $38,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
Victoria Road, Drummoyne - Public Domain Design | $30,000 | $21,000 | 3 | Design is complete. Commencement of works is subject to NBN delivery authority completing their planned upgrade works at this location . |
New Cycle Connection QEP and Burwood Park - UIAP | $130,000 | $61,000 | 1 | Concept design has now been finalised. Community Consultation is complete. Council is preparing detailed design and documentation for construction to start in 2019/20. |
Regional Cycleway Implementation | $30,000 | $14,000 | 1 | 0 |
Tennyson Road Footpath upgrade Eastern Side | $289,000 | $293,000 | 4 | Works are complete |
Canada Bay Bike Plan | $70,000 | $81,000 | 2 | The bike planning process is currently underway and community engagement is to be undertaken shortly |
Moseley Street Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade | $160,000 | $141,000 | 2 | Construction commence mid-June. |
Riders Boulevard, Rhodes Softfall Installation | $60,000 | $58,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
Lyons Road Footpath Upgrade Northern side | $20,000 | $2,000 | 1 | 0 |
Bin Infrastructure - Sensoring Pilot | $38,000 | $11,000 | 1 | Bin sensors are currently being trialled at the Drummoyne location. |
Janet Street parking and access upgrades | $41,000 | $41,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
Whittaker Street Bus Shelter | $50,000 | $0 | 1 | Bus shelter has been ordered and installation will occur in mid 2019. |
Cooper Street Footpath Renewal | $135,000 | $122,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
Walker Street/Gauthorpe St, Rhodes Footpath Renewal | $85,000 | $85,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
Tennyson Road, Mortlake Pedestrian Crossing | $10,000 | $2,000 | 1 | 0 |
Victoria Avenue, Concord West Pedestrian Crossing | $10,000 | $28,000 | 1 | 0 |
Other Projects | $45,000 | $42,000 | ||
Roads and Traffic | $10,291,000 | $9,577,000 |
Project | Budgeted 2018/19 | Spent 2018/19 | Status | Comments |
The Connection - Building Works | $214,000 | $195,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
Concord Library Foyer Construction Plans & QS | $20,000 | $17,000 | 1 | Refining specifications prior to seeking quotations. |
Cabarita Pool faulty tile replacement | $150,000 | $158,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
Cabarita Pool - Replacement of lift and Ramp build | $200,000 | $67,000 | 0 | Contract executed for installation of a new marine grade lift. Tender for additional building works to adjust existing lift shaft to accommodate new lift to be undertaken in August. Installation of new accessible entry ramp have commence and are anticipated to be completed prior to commencement of season re-opening in September. |
Other Projects | $2,174,000 | $1,908,000 | ||
Buildings and Property | $2,758,000 | $2,345,000 |
Project | Budgeted 2018/19 | Spent 2018/19 | Status | Comments |
Victoria Avenue School - Play Area Upgrade | $40,000 | $37,000 | 4 | Construction completed, Kidsafe inspection completed. |
Other Projects | $82,000 | $61,000 | ||
Library and Community Services | $122,000 | $98,000 |
Project | Budgeted 2018/19 | Spent 2018/19 | Status | Comments |
Five Dock Public Domain Streetscape (Stage 2 - Southern End) | $200,000 | $154,000 | 3 | Detailed design is nearing completion. Commencement of works is subject to NBN delivery authority completing their planned upgrade works at this location. |
Goddard Park Amenities Building Upgrade | $14,000 | $8,000 | 2 | Building upgrade scheduled for 2019-20 following additional grant funding revising the scope of the project. Grant funding also provided to install perimeter fence which for which quotes are being sought. |
Redevelopment of Concord Oval | $1,200,000 | $1,569,000 | 1 | DA submitted on 17 May 2019. Detailed Design in progress. |
Charles Heath Reserve Project | $34,000 | $21,000 | 1 | Reviewing recreation opportunities for the park, in conjunction with review of feedback from community consultation for the redevelopment of Concord Oval |
Timbrell Park Fields and Amenities Upgrade | $56,000 | $24,000 | 1 | Developing design for new amenities block |
Synthetic Playing Surface and New Amenities at Majors Bay Re | $1,731,000 | $1,827,000 | 1 | Assessing tenders. Works to start in early July 2019. |
Cintra Park Amenities Netball - Additions to Building | $90,000 | $123,000 | 1 | Preparing tender documentation. |
Other Projects | $11,000 | $3,000 | ||
Major Projects | $3,336,000 | $3,729,000 |
Project | Budgeted 2018/19 | Spent 2018/19 | Status | Comments |
Exile Bay Flood Study | $100,000 | $52,000 | 1 | Council is currently conducting community consultation for the Exile Bay Catchment Flood Study drains through Massey Park Golf Course. The community can provide comment via The above is out of date and should be removed. BDW2019-06-04 |
Seawall Renewal-Cap | $134,000 | $46,000 | 1 | Works to repair the existing Dunlop Reserve Seawall will commence in Late June 2019. Utz Reserve Seawall repairs completed |
Small Drainage Renewal Projects | $33,000 | $35,000 | 4 | 0 |
Improve passive water craft access at Battersea Park | $90,000 | $108,000 | 2 | Council has received a NSW Government 'Boating Now' grant to improve water access for passive craft at Battersea Park. Council will obtain Environmental Approvals prior to commencement of works in the 2019. |
Massey Park Environmental Protection Options Study | $12,000 | $10,000 | 1 | Project scheduled to commence in January 2019. |
Utz Reserve Seawall Renewal | $45,000 | $48,000 | 4 | Project completed. |
Tonkin Repair Bent St to Spring St Concord | $120,000 | $85,000 | 4 | The repair of the Stormwater drainage line between Spring Street and Bent Street has been completed. |
Noble Duchess GPT Repair | $20,000 | $18,000 | 4 | The repair of the Noble Street/ Duchess Street Gross Pollutant Trap has been completed. |
Bent St Stormwater Diversion | $70,000 | $63,000 | 4 | 0 |
Other Projects | $245,000 | $102,000 | ||
Drainage and Marine Structures | $869,000 | $567,000 |