The City of Canada Bay strives to be open and transparent about our performance. We take pride in our work and we want our community to be aware of how we are progressing with our key capital projects.
In the 2019/20 financial year, the City of Canada Bay Capital Works program had a total budget of $26.6 million. Of that budget, we spent $24,600,000. Click on the headings below to see how all our Capital Works projects tracked to June 30, 2020.
● On track
● Moved to next financial year
● At risk of delay or cost impact
● On hold while issues being addressed
● Completed
On certain browsers, you may need to scroll left and right to see the whole table.
Project | Budgeted 2020/21 | Spent to date 2020/21 | Status | Comment |
Massey Park Bridge Renewal | $0 | $5,000 | 0 | This bridge will be considered for replacement as part of our bridge renewal program for 2020/21. |
Annual Parks Renewal Program - Playground Equipment | $15,000 | $20,000 | 1 | Five Dock Park Playground and Outdoor Fitness - a second community consultation period closed on 14 February 2020, works due to commence at the end of June 2020. For more information visit: Alexandra Reserve Playground Upgrade - works due to commence in late-July. For more information visit: |
Playground-Dunlop Reserve | $200,000 | $193,000 | 4 | Landscaping and beautification works completed in December 2019. Maintenance period for plantings ongoing until late summer 2020. |
Annual Skateboard Park Renewal Program | $30,000 | $29,000 | 4 | Concrete repairs and painting of Five Dock Skate Park took place in April 2020. |
Dunlop Reserve-Landscaping | $0 | $0 | 4 | Construction works completed in December 2019. |
Wangal Reserve and Punt Park POM Actions | $892,000 | $887,000 | 1 | Stage 1 works were completed in 2019. Wangal Reserve works included: lighting improvements, new picnic furniture, new BBQ, native planting and access improvements. Punt Park works included: Model shed demolished, re-landscaping and pathway reinstatement. The Stage 2 consultation day was held on Saturday 26 October 2019. Designs have been completed and works will commence early July 2020. For further information head to: |
Upgrade existing sightscreens at Drummoyne Oval | $33,000 | $32,000 | 1 | Works have recently been awarded to upgrade the sightscreen structure. Works to commence in Winter 2020. |
Henry Lawson Park Foreshore Path | $567,000 | $563,000 | 4 | Majority of works completed in December 2019. The final pathway works were completed in May. Works included a shared path, park furniture upgrades and plantings. |
Lysaght Park Sports Field Rebuild + Lights | $273,000 | $235,000 | 1 | Sportfield lights were installed in November 2019. Designs for perimeter landscaping to act as a buffer between the road and the sportsfield are being prepared. Pathway lighting concept design being developed. |
Infrastructure Renewal - Cabarita and Bayview Park | $88,000 | $88,000 | 4 | Memorial Ave road resurfacing completed at Cabarita Park in August 2019. Currently developing design for improved footpath connectivity at main entrance to the park. Minor works at Bayview Park were completed in 2018. A new drinking fountain was installed at Bayview Park in December 2019. |
Decking and BBQ Area at Drummoyne Swimming Centre | $25,000 | $5,000 | 4 | Project was completed for commencement of 2019/20 season. |
Hoskins Reserve - Rhodes Community Garden Upgrade | $122,000 | $123,000 | 4 | Works are complete - Planting and Opening Day was held on 13 October 2019. |
Drummoyne Oval/ Taplin Stormwater re-use | $6,000 | $6,000 | 0 | This project is phased over 2019-20 and 2020-21 financial years. We are seeking quotations for Part A - pipeline, tanks and pumps and developing specifications and tender documents for Part B - water reuse system. |
Arthur Walker Reserve Accessway | $34,000 | $31,000 | 4 | Planting of the embankment is now complete and establishing well. |
Annual Shade Renewal Program | $38,000 | $38,000 | 1 | Cabarita Park playground shade cloth was renewed in late June. Shade is also being installed at the new Five Dock playground with works commenced in June. A shade structure at Murphy Reserve, Mortlake will be installed in August. |
Annual Outdoor Exercise EquipmentProgram | $33,000 | $33,000 | 1 | Five Dock Park Playground and Outdoor Fitness - initial consultation period closed on 15 October 2019. A second consultation period closed on 14 February 2020, works are due to commence in late June 2020, for more information visit: |
Jesse Stewart Sports Field Rebuild | $200,000 | $174,000 | 4 | Work commenced in January to level the playing field, install drainage, irrigation and a new turf cricket wicket. Works were completed in April. |
Rhodes Foreshore Lighting Replacement | $17,000 | $3,000 | 0 | Lighting specifications and designs are being prepared to tender for works. |
Dog Off - Leash Site Improvements | $40,000 | $49,000 | 1 | Council adopted the Dogs in Public Places Strategy on 3 December 2019. Signage has been installed at dog parks in early 2020. A dog-off leash trial at Henley Park, Concord has finished. A fence will be installed in July, along the Flavelle Ave edge of the park following support by Council in May. For more info head to: |
Rothwell Park Rebuild | $580,000 | $542,000 | 4 | Work commenced in January to level the playing field, install drainage, irrigation, fencing and a new turf cricket wicket. Works completed in June. |
Create a Swimsite at Bayview Park | $10,000 | $4,000 | 1 | Site analysis underway, including water quality sampling. A concept design is being prepared and community consultation to commence later in 2020. |
New Playground at Tom Murphy Reserve | $225,000 | $225,000 | 4 | Works are complete. The official opening was held on 2 November 2019. For more information about this project, go to: |
McIllwaine Park - River Activation | $250,000 | $238,000 | 1 | Detailed design continues, following feedback from the Riverside community consultation day, held on 25 August 2019. Water quality sampling has commenced. On-ground works are expected to commence mid-2020. For more information head to: |
Litter Bin Replacement at Taplin Park and The Esplanade | $30,000 | $30,000 | 4 | Project completed in November 2019. New bins have been installed. |
Sportsfields Irrigation - Rain Sensing Upgrade | $4,000 | $4,000 | 4 | Works were completed in October 2019. |
Sportsfields Lighting - Software Upgrade | $7,000 | $7,000 | 4 | Works were completed in October 2019. |
Parks Renewal Program - Non - Playground Equipment | $62,000 | $68,000 | 4 | New fencing along The Esplanade, Drummoyne has been completed. Bayview Park lights have been replaced. |
Timbrell Park POM & Masterplan | $35,000 | $51,000 | 2 | The Community Consultation period has ended (11 Nov - 15 Dec 2019). A Community Engagement Report is currently being prepared and scheduled for publication in June 2020. For more information visit: |
Massey Park Golf Course Safety Screens (Alongside 2nd hole) | $22,000 | $15,000 | 1 | Safety screen works are due to commence in August 2020. |
Goddard Park Picket Fence | $86,000 | $86,000 | 4 | Picket fence installation completed in January 2020. |
Five Dock Leisure Centre - Sprung Floor | $72,000 | $72,000 | 4 | New sprung flooring has been installed. |
Nield Park Sportsfield Lighting | $15,000 | $4,000 | Planning is underway to replace the sportsfield lighting at Nield Park. The previous lightpoles were removed during June 2020 in the interest of public safety. | |
Other Projects | $403,000 | $248,000 | ||
Parks and Recreation | $4,414,000 | $4,108,000 |
Project | Budgeted 2020/21 | Spent to date 2020/21 | Status | Comment |
Massey Park Bridge Renewal | $0 | $5,000 | 0 | This bridge will be considered for replacement as part of our bridge renewal program for 2020/21. |
Annual Parks Renewal Program - Playground Equipment | $15,000 | $20,000 | 1 | Five Dock Park Playground and Outdoor Fitness - a second community consultation period closed on 14 February 2020, works due to commence at the end of June 2020. For more information visit: Alexandra Reserve Playground Upgrade - works due to commence in late-July. For more information visit: |
Playground-Dunlop Reserve | $200,000 | $193,000 | 4 | Landscaping and beautification work completed December 2019. Maintenance period for plantings ongoing until late summer 2020. |
Annual Skateboard Park Renewal Program | $30,000 | $29,000 | 4 | Concrete repairs and painting of Five Dock Skate Park took place in April 2020. |
Dunlop Reserve-Landscaping | $0 | $0 | 4 | Construction works completed in December 2019. |
Wangal Reserve and Punt Park POM Actions | $892,000 | $887,000 | 1 | Stage 1 works were completed in 2019. Wangal Reserve works included: lighting improvements, new picnic furniture, new BBQ, native planting and access improvements. Punt Park works included: Model shed demolished, re-landscaping and pathway reinstatement. The Stage 2 consultation day was held on Saturday 26 October 2019. Designs have been completed and works will commence early July 2020. For further information head to: |
Upgrade existing sightscreens at Drummoyne Oval | $33,000 | $32,000 | 1 | Works have recently been awarded to upgrade the sightscreen structure. Works to commence in Winter 2020. |
Henry Lawson Park Foreshore Path | $567,000 | $563,000 | 4 | Majority of works completed in December 2019. The final pathway works were completed in May. Works included a shared path, park furniture upgrades and plantings. |
Lysaght Park Sports Field Rebuild + Lights | $273,000 | $235,000 | 1 | Sportfield lights were installed in November 2019. Designs for perimeter landscaping to act as a buffer between the road and the sportsfield are being prepared. Pathway lighting concept design being developed. |
Infrastructure Renewal - Cabarita and Bayview Park | $88,000 | $88,000 | 4 | Memorial Ave road resurfacing completed at Cabarita Park in August 2019. Currently developing design for improved footpath connectivity at main entrance to the park. Minor works at Bayview Park were completed in 2018. A new drinking fountain was installed at Bayview Park in December 2019. |
Decking and BBQ Area at Drummoyne Swimming Centre | $25,000 | $5,000 | 4 | Project was completed for commencement of 2019/20 season. |
Hoskins Reserve - Rhodes Community Garden Upgrade | $122,000 | $123,000 | 4 | Works are complete - Planting and Opening Day was held on 13 October 2019. |
Drummoyne Oval/ Taplin Stormwater re-use | $6,000 | $6,000 | 0 | This project is phased over 2019-20 and 2020-21 financial years. We are seeking quotations for Part A - pipeline, tanks and pumps and developing specifications and tender documents for Part B - water reuse system. |
Arthur Walker Reserve Accessway | $34,000 | $31,000 | 4 | Planting of embankment is now complete and establishing well. |
Annual Shade Renewal Program | $38,000 | $38,000 | 1 | Cabarita Park playground shade cloth was renewed in late June. Shade is also being installed at the new Five Dock playground with works commenced in June. A shade structure at Murphy Reserve, Mortlake will be installed in August . |
Annual Outdoor Exercise EquipmentProgram | $33,000 | $33,000 | 1 | Five Dock Park Playground and Outdoor Fitness - initial consultation period closed on 15 October 2019. A second consultation period closed on 14 February 2020, works are due to commence in late June 2020, for more information visit: |
Annual Accessibility Works Program ( Bus Stop Upgrades etc) | $50,000 | $57,000 | 4 | Annual accessibility works are now complete |
Annual Capital Works Traffic Facilities Program | $173,000 | $177,000 | 4 | The upgrade of the existing roundabout at the intersection of First Avenue and Ingham Avenue, Five Dock, and repairs to existing raised pedestrian threshold outside the Domremy Catholic College are complete. |
Annual Footpaths Renewal Program | $984,000 | $982,000 | 4 | The renewal of footpaths have been completed on the basis of the relative priority of defects identified. |
Annual Kerb/Gutter Renewal Program | $34,000 | $34,000 | 4 | Works are now completed. |
Annual Regional Roads Program | $116,000 | $116,000 | 4 | Regional Road Repair Program is jointly funded by RMS and Council. All works identified in the program are now complete. |
Annual Road Pavement Renewal Program | $829,000 | $665,000 | 4 | Regional Road Repair Program is jointly funded by RMS and Council. All works identified in the program are now complete. |
Roads To Recovery Program | $705,000 | $704,000 | 4 | Slab replacement works at First Avenue, Five Dock is complete. Lavender Street has been resurfaced. Works on Blackwall Point Road include slab jacking and road shoulder repair works - completed. Intersection improvement works at Hilly and McDonalds Streets is now complete. |
The Terrace - Embankment Stabilisation | $15,000 | $0 | 1 | Draft design and documentation are under review. Tender specifications & review of environmental factors are currently being prepared. |
Traffic Committee Initiatives | $40,000 | $16,000 | 4 | A speed cushion has been installed on Hilly Street on its approach to the Bertram Street roundabout. Existing speed cushions on Majors Bay Road outside Coles have also been upgraded. |
Public Domain Plan Transport Interchange at Station Precinct | $49,000 | $2,000 | 2 | Detailed design plans are being prepared to guide construction in future Financial Years. Currently awaiting approval from TfNSW for proposed installation of traffic signals at key locations. |
Five Dock Public Domain Streetscape (Stage 2 - Southern End) | $175,000 | $124,000 | 0 | NBN works are currently being finalised. Final design documentation being prepared in conjunction with review by RMS as the works are on an RMS classified road. Tenders will be called when the NBN have completed their works and the RMS have issued an approval for the proposed works. |
Victoria Road, Drummoyne - Public Domain Design | $1,000 | $1,000 | 0 | As a result of the Victoria Road Urban Design Review this project has been defered to allow the development of a design concept for the area in 2020/21. |
New Cycle Connection QEP and Burwood Park - UIAP | $100,000 | $89,000 | 1 | The detailed design for the new Cycle Connection between Queen Elizabeth Park and Burwood Park is currently underway. Council is seeking approval from RMS on changes to Traffic signals at the Gipps/Broughton St intersection. Street lighting requires Ausgrid's approval. The project is at tender stage now. |
Canada Bay Bike Plan | $15,000 | $13,000 | 1 | Preparation of the Canada Bay Bike Plan is currently underway including investigations into regional cycleway. Consultation on regional cycleway is anticipated to comence April 2020. Following this, the drafting of the broader Bike Plan will be completed and placed on public exhibition. |
Moseley Street Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade | $4,000 | $4,000 | 4 | The project was completed in 2018/2019. |
Lyons Road Footpath Upgrade Northern side | $174,000 | $175,000 | 4 | Lyons Road Footpath works have been completed. |
Bin Infrastructure - Sensoring Pilot | $26,000 | $26,000 | 1 | Bin sensor pilot will commence soon in Rhodes and Concord. |
Whittaker Street Bus Shelter | $47,000 | $47,000 | 4 | Shelter installed in July 2019. |
Intersection Upgrade George and Pomeroy Street | $120,000 | $99,000 | 1 | Investigations to inform the design process is underway, with a head consultant for the intersection upgrade appointed to coordinate the investigations. Detailed design plans will be used for construction in future Financial Years. A Final Business case is to be prepared as per NSW Government's requirement. |
Travanion Street Batter Stabilisation | $20,000 | $4,000 | 1 | Embankment stabilisation works are currently being investigated. |
Regional Cycleway Upgrade - RMS Grant | $50,000 | $49,000 | 1 | Route being investigated through preparation of the Bike Plan which has commenced. Consultation is to be undertaken prior to finalisation. |
Canada Bay Bike Plan Implementation Program | $3,000 | $5,000 | 1 | Works will be planned once the Canada Bay Bike Plan has been adopted by Council. The Bike Plan is currently being prepared. |
Jellicoe Street, Concord Road Closure | $65,000 | $66,000 | 0 | The design development for the Piazza treatment is now complete. Road closure has been approved by TfNSW. The tender process is commencing soon. |
Tennyson Road, Mortlake Pedestrian Crossing | $20,000 | $12,000 | 2 | Design of the lighting upgrade for this crossing is currently being prepared. |
Victoria Avenue, Concord West Pedestrian Crossing | $53,000 | $39,000 | 1 | Additional and upgraded lighting is currently being installed. |
Correys Ave/Majors Bay Rd Black Spot Program | $47,000 | $89,000 | 4 | Construction works completed in June 2020 |
Homebush Bay Drive & Harrison Avenue Crossing Design | $50,000 | $32,000 | 1 | A design is being prepared for a signalised pedestrian and cyclist crossing on Homebush Bay Drive at Harrison Avenue. The design will be used to seek construction funding through TfNSW in future Financial Years |
Lyons Road/Lamrock Avenue Intersection works | $40,000 | $43,000 | 4 | The works have been completed to provide an improved pedestrian facility across Lamrock Ave at the intersection with Lyons Road. |
Roads and Traffic | $4,005,000 | $3,670,000 |
Project | Budgeted 2020/21 | Spent to date 2020/21 | Status | Comment |
Buildings Renewal | $720,000 | $679,000 | 4 | The following refurbishment have been completed this financial year: the entrance at Drummoyne Swimming Pool, Five Dock Early Childhood Centre and Greenlees Tennis Centre Clubhouse, replacement of skylights at Five Dock Library, repairs to Massey Park Golf Course Roof and internal painting works at Concord Kindy, Chiswick Community Centre internal painting and timber floor renewals, repainting of The Connection Event space, new internal wall panels and external timber staining works. |
The Connection - Building Works | $120,000 | $132,000 | 4 | Repairs to the Art Lighting have been completed. |
Solar Panel Installations | $7,000 | $6,000 | 4 | Solar panels were installed on three Council facilities in 2018/19 (Concord Library, the Council Depot and the Civic Centre). Project defects are currently being finalised. |
Cabarita Pool - Replacement of lift and Ramp build | $537,000 | $545,000 | 1 | Replacement lift with marine-grade finishes has been ordered and is due to be delivered and installed in late July 2020. Accessible ramp from pool entry to pool deck was completed for opening of swimming season at beginning of September 2019. |
Solar Panel Installations at The Connection | $5,000 | $5,000 | 1 | System requirements are currently being investigated to increase the number of solar panels at The Connection in order to offset electricity consumption. Once system requirements are known, procurement will be undertaken. |
Drummoyne Pool Lift Replacement | $68,000 | $67,000 | 1 | Lift order has been placed with installation due September 2020 |
Other Projects | $90,000 | $38,000 | ||
Buildings and Property | $1,547,000 | $1,472,000 |
Project | Budgeted 2020/21 | Spent to date 2020/21 | Status | Comment |
Other Projects | $20,000 | $24,000 | ||
Library and Community Services | $20,000 | $24,000 |
Project | Budgeted 2020/21 | Spent to date 2020/21 | Status | Comment |
Halliday Park - Automatic Toilet Installation | $7,000 | $7,000 | 2 | Community engagement in Collaborate closed on 22 June. Report to Council meeting in August 2020. |
Redevelopment of Concord Oval | $3,000,000 | $2,879,000 | 1 | Demolition progressing with Eastern Grandstand 50% demolished. All demolition to be completed by end of July 2020 Weather permitting. |
Charles Heath Reserve Project | $50,000 | $16,000 | 1 | Seeking feedback from the Community. Please visit |
The Connection - Shade Sail Installation | $70,000 | $76,000 | 0 | Greenline has been appointed as the successful contractor for this project. Construction is scheduled to commence on Monday 20th July 2020 with works expected to be complete by September 2020, weather permitting. |
Timbrell Park Fields and Amenities Upgrade | $90,000 | $70,000 | 0 | A Development Application (DA2020/0137) has been lodged for this site. Please refer to Council's Online DA Tracking Tool for further information. |
Synthetic Playing Surface and New Amenities at Majors Bay Re | $2,731,000 | $2,720,000 | 4 | Synthetic Field completed. Finalising contract. |
Cintra Park Amenities Netball - Additions to Building | $1,460,000 | $1,411,000 | 4 | Council has now completed the Cintra Park Netball Amenities Upgrade project which is ready to use well ahead of the 2020 winter netball season. This $1.6 million upgrade will continue to support the needs of our growing sporting community. |
New Amenities at Majors Bay Reserve | $2,414,000 | $2,368,000 | 4 | Synthetic Field is open to Public. Building works are now complete. |
Major Projects | $9,822,000 | $9,547,000 |
Project | Budgeted 2020/21 | Spent to date 2020/21 | Status | Comment |
Exile Bay Flood Study | $169,000 | $90,000 | 1 | The City has prepared a draft flood study for the Exile Bay Catchment. The flood study will be used to inform the preparation of a Floodplain Risk Management Plan. Responses to public submissions under preparation. |
Seawall Renewal-Cap | $140,000 | $119,000 | 4 | Dunlop Reserve Seawall repair is complete. |
Improve passive water craft access at Battersea Park | $107,000 | $112,000 | 4 | Battersea Park passive watercraft access has been completed and is open for public use. This facility is not suitable for launching powered or heavy watercraft. |
Uhrs Point Reserve launch facilities | $100,000 | $82,000 | 1 | The City is undertaking an investigation into providing a passive watercraft launch facility. |
Massey Park Environmental Protection Options Study | $118,000 | $74,000 | 1 | The City is investigating options to repair the Massey Park stormwater canal. Geotechnical and Environmental site investigations to occur in April and May 2020. |
Foreshore Structures - Menzies Reserve | $150,000 | $125,000 | 4 | The City has completed the repairs to the existing seawall to maintain its structural integrity. |
Foreshore Structures - Iron Cove | $1,414,000 | $1,197,000 | 4 | Work commenced December 2019 with completion in May 2020. |
Foreshore Structures - Pelican Reserve | $275,000 | $288,000 | 4 | Seawall repairs commenced in April and were completed in June 2020. |
Drainage - CCTV inspections condition rating and defects | $100,000 | $63,000 | 4 | The City is implementing a 5-year program to assess the condition of our underground pipe network. This data will be used to program pipe renewal works. Works complete for 2020. |
Drainage - Lower St Georges Cres | $20,000 | $18,000 | 1 | The City is redesigning the outlet of the existing stormwater pipeline to prevent blockage by the sand beach. Works will commence in the second half of 2020. |
Pedestrian Crossing Safety Improvement Program | $30,000 | $0 | 1 | Lighting investigations will be performed to assess the night time safety of marked pedestrian crossings. |
Drainage Renewal Burnell Way Pipe re-lining | $164,000 | $163,000 | 4 | Pipeline relining works have been completed to ensure the function of this pipeline. |
Drainage Renewal Boronia, Murray, Mons Street Tonkin Pipe | $220,000 | $218,000 | 4 | Pipeline relining works have been completed to ensure the function of this pipeline. |
Other Projects | $19,000 | $19,000 | ||
Drainage and Marine Structures | $3,026,000 | $2,568,000 |