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Planning for Rhodes' future


The City of Canada Bay takes a place-based approach to the design, development, activation, engagement and management of the Rhodes Peninsula. This approach brings together the residents, businesses, community groups, government agencies and non-government organisations to deliver infrastructure, services, and programs to meet the needs of the local area. 

The benefits of a place-based approach include improved strategic coordination, strengthened communication and local partnerships for improved community outcomes.

Planning for the future of Rhodes East

In 2015, the NSW Government announced areas in Rhodes, east of the railway station, as an investigation area for urban renewal. After extensive consultation with the community, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment released a Structure Plan for Rhodes in 2017. This was subsequently followed by an updated plan in 2018 which incorporated land immediately to the west of the railway station.

In 2020, the Rhodes Place Strategy was released by the NSW Government which set out height and floor space controls, design excellence requirements, BASIX bonuses, requirement for affordable housing contribution, amongst other provisions. It also set out infrastructure that would need to be delivered to support the proposed increase in population.

Plans for the Rhodes Precinct were finalised by the NSW Government on 30 October 2021. At this time, the NSW Government amended the Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan 2013 (LEP) to give effect to the Strategy.

Information about Rhodes Planned Precinct can be found on the NSW Government Department of Planning and Environment website and the Rhodes Place Strategy can be found on the NSW Planning Portal.

Council has updated its site-specific Development Control Plans to align with the Strategy and LEP amendments initiated by the NSW Government. 


Council works in partnership with a variety of stakeholders, businesses, government departments and community organisations to deliver services, programs and infrastructure to the area's growing population.

Stakeholders have a major role in a place-based approach in the Rhodes Peninsula. This approach recognises that communities have an important role to play in shaping our service delivery and involving business, residents, and other partners as delivery agents means they have greater ownership and responsibility for improvement and management.

The benefits of this approach include:

  • Increasing return on our investment
  • Linking communication with action
  • Strengthening partnerships around a shared vision
  • Solving wicked problems engaging in more meaningful way with our community
  • Delivering more effective services
  • Maintaining and creation of public assets
  • Nurturing positive relationships between various stakeholders
  • Encouraging and facilitating with active participation by the community and empowering communities to take ownership
  • Supporting and advocating for resources (fundraising, sponsorship and prioritising existing spending)
  • Ensuring accurate profiles and data is available on community trends and issues
  • Being an economic, social and environmental catalyst for change.

Our partners include